These prizes are the minimum which will be provided. Individual events can include additional prizes. Cash prizes, medals, finisher momentos and jerseys are the responsibility of the individual race organiser to provide. Prizes are equal for Male and Female and are to be issued irrespective of the number of riders in a category.
- If the Event Host is paying the prizes then they will be paid in the currency of the host country of the race. If the host country currency is not listed in the table, then the value of the prizes will be converted from the prizemoney in Australian Dollars shown in the table below, at the exchange rate applicable to the bank(s) used by the Event Host on the Friday immediately before the race.
- If WEMBO is paying the prizes then they will be paid in the currency of the host country of the race for amounts less than $AUD 500 equivalent, and by international bank transfer for other amounts.
If a rider requires money to be transferred into an account, or the prize is paid by international bank transfer, then any exchange charges and bank fees will be deducted from the prize value.
Cash prizes may be issued either at presentations or on the Monday following the race for large amounts. Any outstanding amounts owing to WEMBO by prizewinners, or the teams of organisations they represent or are part of, will be deducted from the rider's prizemoney before it is paid.
In the event that the host country's taxation rules require tax to be deducted or withheld from prizemoney and the prizemoney is being paid by the Event Host, the prizemoney shall be adjusted by the Event Host so that the amount shown in the prizemoney table below is the amount received by the riders after taxes or amounts withheld.
In the event of a tie for results (haven't had one in 11 years) ... the prizemoney of the tied placings is totaled and the tied riders receive an equal share. For example, 2 riders tie for first place at a world championships; 1st plus 2nd place = $4500 so the two tied riders receive $2250 each and the next rider would be placed 3rd and receive $1500.
WEMBO World Championships
The winner of each category will receive a category winner’s jersey. The Elite Male and Elite Female World Champions will receive two WEMBO Elite World Champions jerseys each. The WEMBO World Champions jersey can (it is not mandatory) be worn by the WEMBO world champions in 24 hour events until the end of the next WEMBO World Solo 24 hour championships race. At the end of that race, they must revert to their team kit or other cycling clothing, even if they have won the world championships again, because the next world champions jersey will be different. Specifically, the previous world championships jersey cannot be worn for any media, interviews, presentation or podium activities at the next WEMBO World Solo 24 Hour Championships after that race has finished.
Medals will be given down to 3rd place in each category. All riders in the event will receive a finisher momento. Only the Elite Categories will receive cash prizes. These are paid down to 10th place as listed in the table below, converted from Australian Dollars to the currency of the host country.
Elite Category Place (Male and Female) and Prize Value in Australian Dollars
1 $2500
2 $2000
3 $1500
4 $1000
5 $ 750
6 $ 600
7 $ 400
8 $ 300
9 $ 200
10 $ 200
The Elite Male and Elite Female World Champions will also receive free entry and a single return economy airfare to the next WEMBO World Solo 24Hr Championships. This is conditional on them entering and competing in that event to defend their title. This airfare component cannot be transferred to another rider nor can it be held over for subsequent years. This airfare is up to a maximum value of $AUD 2500 equivalent paid at the ANZ Bank exchange rate on the day the payment is made by WEMBO. The rider must enter the next event and submit their air travel receipt to WEMBO. They will then be reimbursed the airfare or the maximum value, whichever is the lesser, at the next WEMBO World Championships. This prize is for the airfare element only and does not include excess baggage charges. These airfares are the responsibility of WEMBO to provide. The free entry is the responsibility of the hosting organisation for the next event to provide.
WEMBO recommends that Elite World Champions entitled to this airfare prize component take out insurance in the event that they are injured leading up to the event and are unable to compete in the world championships for which they are entitled to the airfare prize. WEMBO reserves the right to have this airfare prize element repaid to WEMBO if the rider does not start and compete in the applicable WEMBO World Solo 24 Hour Championships.
WEMBO Continental Championships
The minimum prizemoney paid is only to the Elite Male and Elite Female categories. Continental Event Hosts pay Elite prize money down to 5th place in Elite based on a scale of 1000, 500, 300, 200, 100.
The Elite winners will receive a WEMBO Continental Champions jersey each. Elite placegetters 1, 2, 3 receive gold, silver, bronze medals. The Event Host is encouraged to make jerseys and medals available for other category winners however it is not mandatory.
At a WEMBO Continental Championships, up until the start of the rider briefing or 1800 local time on the day prior to the race (whichever is the earlier), the event host can combine age-group categories at their discretion based on entry numbers however Elite, Singlespeed, Riders With a Disability, and U23 must remain separate categories and there cannot be combined-gender categories. The combinations do not have to be identical for the male/female categories. For example the race could have Male 50-54, Male 55_59, Male 60+ but have Female 50+.
The WEMBO Continental Champions jersey can (it is not mandatory) be worn by the WEMBO continental champions in 24 hour events until the end of the next WEMBO Continental Solo 24 hour championships race for that region. At the end of that race, they must revert to their team kit or other cycling clothing, even if they have won the continental championships again, because the next continental champions jersey will be different. Specifically, the previous continental championships jersey cannot be worn for any media, interviews, presentation or podium activities at the next WEMBO World Solo 24 Hour Championships after that race has finished.
At WEMBO Continental Championship events, the WEMBO World Champions jersey takes preference over a WEMBO Continental Champions jersey for wearing during the event.